Friday, August 19, 2016

"Friday's Child is Loving and Giving"

Jacob Todd Whatley
Welcome to Jacob, who decided to make 
an early arrival one week ago today.  Not only was he six
days early but he came in the wee hours of the morning!
He is our ninth baby grand giving us five sweet
boys and four sweet little girls!
Jacob is the twenty-eighth great-grandchild for
Nanny and Papa!
Jacob, God has blessed us once again
by placing you in our family...May He always be your
Light and your Guide!
<3gigi and jabo

P.S. For the sake of posterity, I should mention that when
jabo found out that this little guy was going to be
named after him, he was driving home from our trip to St. Loius
with me, Kelly and Kate.  He nearly ran off the highway!! He was
so surprised and deeply touched at the thought of having a
baby grand named after him.  When Jacob was born,
jabo said, "Now we have enough for a baseball team!"

In seven years, Jacob, you can take a trip to
St. Louis with your dad and jabo too!
You will love the Cardinals, The City Museum and
The Arch of St. Louis...
but as Kate and Andrew will tell you...
"you gotta watch those dippin' dots!"

Sunday, July 31, 2016

"Happy Birthday Zelie"

Zelie Marie Whatley is One!!

To busy little Zelie:
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
Dear Zelie,
You are a most precious
gift to our family and your
rambunctious nature is
pure delight!
gigi and jabo love you
as high as the sky sweet girl!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a Bible study this spring titled, Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother by Dr. Edward Sri.  We studied the events in Mary's life from her profound "Yes" to God at The Annunciation, to her deep suffering of seeing her Son die on the Cross for our Salvation. We heard her voice at the Wedding of Cana, instructing the servants to,
"Do as He Tells you."  understanding that Mary directs us always to her Son.  We saw her joy when she proclaimed her Magnificat to her cousin Elizabeth, and steadfast faithfulness as she gave birth to our Lord in a stable.  She endured the Flight into Egypt and heard the painful words of the Prophecy of Simeon.
Mary gave her Son to us!
In her Magnificat, (Luke 1:46-55) Mary glorified God as she proclaimed God's greatness to her cousin Elizabeth.  In this session of our study we were given the challenge to write our own version of the Magnificat.  My "magnificat" is as folllows:

"My soul yearns for the Lord,
and my spirit cries out for God my Savior.

He has looked upon me with favor
though I am not worthy.

He has blessed all generations of my family
Bestowing treasures only the
Mighty One can grant
and Holy is His name.

His mercy is great for I fear
Him all the days of my life.

He has shown His strength in
my life and He has scattered me when necessary.

He has brought me down
and lifted me up again
filling me with good things.

He always helps me in His mercy -
according to His promise.



Throughout Mary's life she glorified God by remaining receptive to His will, always presenting her Son to others:
+ To Elizabeth and to her son John the Baptist
+ To the shepherds at the Nativity
+To the Magi at the Nativity
+ To Simeon and Anna at the Presentation
+To the people at the Wedding of Cana
+ To all in His Passion and Death on the Cross
Mary was a faithful servant of God who shared intimately in the
birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord.
-Father William Saunders

P.S. Thank you Kristen Rabideau for leading us in this amazing study of Mary our Mother.

"The Face of God"

I have never seen the face of God,
No angel ever came to me.
I have never witnessed a miracle,
a blind man see,
a bent woman stand
straight and tall,
a dead girl sit up and cry,
"I'm hungry."
or five-thousand people fed by two fish
and five loaves of bread.
But I have tasted strawberries,
I have smelled bread baking,
and drunk cold water
and rich, red wine.
I have been lifted up by a
robin's chirp,
and been humbled by the
stars and ocean.
I have planted seeds , pulled weeds,
washed clothes, typed letters,
waited in line, asked questions,
given my opinion, picketed,
I have attended meetings,
read good books, sung in church,
played cards, talked to the squirrels,
made repairs, danced the polka.
I have cradled a newborn in my
arms and kept vigil with the dying.
I have fallen exhausted into
bed at night,
and risen again in the morning.
I have said. "I'm sorry...I forgive...
Thank you...I don't know."
I have held someone I love
and I have been held by
someone who loves me.
I have won and lost,
known sickness and health,
ecstasy and dread.
And through it all,
God is the One who is always present.
God as companion,
stranger, hunger, good,
God as lover, friend,
tag-along, intruder, foe.
God as answer and as question,
blinding light, and dark abyss.
God, God, God.

From the book Just Because
by S. Melanie Svoboda


I attended a Lenten Day of Reflection at the
Sacred Heart Retreat Center
in March of this year.
Sister Teresa read this poem for our meditation.
I thought it was simply beautiful so I wanted to share it
with all of you.
 As I reviewed it today I do believe that
I have witnessed miracles, some as simple as the taste of
a strawberry that made me treasure the gift of life,
some as joyful as the births of
our children and grandchildren, some as beautiful as
watching the ocean crash against the shore,
and some as powerful as God
answering our prayers of saving our son, Clay,
God is good. God is all-powerful.
God is near!
Happy 28th birthday Clay! <3

Sunday, March 27, 2016

"Easter Sunday"

Beginning today my mornings
are yours;
Beginning today my evenings
and dreams -
my gift to you is my life.

This picture was taken by Bonnie Staudt

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

'Lenten Prayer'

"Lord Jesus, our Savior,
let us now come to you:

Our hearts are cold;
Lord, warm them with your selfless love.
Our hearts are sinful;
cleanse them with your precious blood.
Our hearts are weak;
strengthen them with your joyous Spirit.
Our hearts are empty;
fill them with your divine presence.
Lord Jesus, our hearts are yours;
possess them always and only for yourself."

Prayer of Augustine


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Christening Zelie Marie"

"There is one body and one Spirit - just as you
were called to one hope when you were called -
one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
one God and Father of all,
who is over all and through all
and in all."

Ephesians 4:4-6

Dear Zelie,
We pray that God our Father will
always be your all in all...may you always
feel the guidance of His Holy Spirit in your life.
Remember that we will forever 
love you as high as the sky!
gigi and jabo

Zelie was baptized on November 7, 2015
by Father Patrick Egan
at Sacred Heart Catholic Church
in Cullman, Alabama

Daniel and Amy Whatley are your Godparents

Monday, January 18, 2016

"The Fruits of God"

Enjoy the fruits of the earth
that God has provided us this day!

The plum is a fruit of this earth
as God has created it,
just like He has created us in His image.
This fruit represents 
each and every one of His children.
How He has planted a seed in each of us.
At the center of our hearts,
the center of our very being of our soul,
is God and His love for us.
No matter what turmoils our hearts
may feel, what we may experience in our lifetimes,
He is there.
He is our stone to lean on, to know that true
unconditional love lives within our own hearts
as He has instilled it within us the moment 
He created us.
He will never leave us.

I love all of you and hope you may feel 
His peace and love this day!
