I have never seen the face of God,
No angel ever came to me.
I have never witnessed a miracle,
a blind man see,
a bent woman stand
straight and tall,
a dead girl sit up and cry,
"I'm hungry."
or five-thousand people fed by two fish
But I have tasted strawberries,
I have smelled bread baking,
and drunk cold water
and rich, red wine.
I have been lifted up by a
robin's chirp,
and been humbled by the
stars and ocean.
I have planted seeds , pulled weeds,
washed clothes, typed letters,
waited in line, asked questions,
given my opinion, picketed,
I have attended meetings,
read good books, sung in church,
played cards, talked to the squirrels,
made repairs, danced the polka.
I have cradled a newborn in my
arms and kept vigil with the dying.
I have fallen exhausted into
bed at night,
and risen again in the morning.
I have said. "I'm sorry...I forgive...
Thank you...I don't know."
I have held someone I love
and I have been held by
someone who loves me.
I have won and lost,
known sickness and health,
ecstasy and dread.
And through it all,
God is the One who is always present.
God as companion,
stranger, hunger, good,
God as lover, friend,
tag-along, intruder, foe.
God as answer and as question,
blinding light, and dark abyss.
God, God, God.
From the book Just Because
by S. Melanie Svoboda

I attended a Lenten Day of Reflection at the
Sacred Heart Retreat Center
in March of this year.
Sister Teresa read this poem for our meditation.
I thought it was simply beautiful so I wanted to share it
with all of you.
As I reviewed it today I do believe that
I have witnessed miracles, some as simple as the taste of
a strawberry that made me treasure the gift of life,
some as joyful as the births of
our children and grandchildren, some as beautiful as
watching the ocean crash against the shore,
and some as powerful as God
answering our prayers of saving our son, Clay,
God is good. God is all-powerful.
God is near!
Happy 28th birthday Clay! <3
Beautifully said! God is all powerful!
What a beautiful post!!!
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