I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a Bible study this spring titled, Mary, A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother by Dr. Edward Sri. We studied the events in Mary's life from her profound "Yes" to God at The Annunciation, to her deep suffering of seeing her Son die on the Cross for our Salvation. We heard her voice at the Wedding of Cana, instructing the servants to,
"Do as He Tells you." understanding that Mary directs us always to her Son. We saw her joy when she proclaimed her Magnificat to her cousin Elizabeth, and steadfast faithfulness as she gave birth to our Lord in a stable. She endured the Flight into Egypt and heard the painful words of the Prophecy of Simeon.
Mary gave her Son to us!
In her Magnificat, (Luke 1:46-55) Mary glorified God as she proclaimed God's greatness to her cousin Elizabeth. In this session of our study we were given the challenge to write our own version of the Magnificat. My "magnificat" is as folllows:
"My soul yearns for the Lord,
and my spirit cries out for God my Savior.

He has looked upon me with favor
though I am not worthy.
He has blessed all generations of my family
Bestowing treasures only the
Mighty One can grant
and Holy is His name.
His mercy is great for I fear
Him all the days of my life.
He has shown His strength in
my life and He has scattered me when necessary.
He has brought me down
and lifted me up again
filling me with good things.
He always helps me in His mercy -
according to His promise.
"Do as He Tells you." understanding that Mary directs us always to her Son. We saw her joy when she proclaimed her Magnificat to her cousin Elizabeth, and steadfast faithfulness as she gave birth to our Lord in a stable. She endured the Flight into Egypt and heard the painful words of the Prophecy of Simeon.
Mary gave her Son to us!
In her Magnificat, (Luke 1:46-55) Mary glorified God as she proclaimed God's greatness to her cousin Elizabeth. In this session of our study we were given the challenge to write our own version of the Magnificat. My "magnificat" is as folllows:
"My soul yearns for the Lord,
and my spirit cries out for God my Savior.
He has looked upon me with favor
though I am not worthy.
He has blessed all generations of my family
Bestowing treasures only the
Mighty One can grant
and Holy is His name.
His mercy is great for I fear
Him all the days of my life.
He has shown His strength in
my life and He has scattered me when necessary.
He has brought me down
and lifted me up again
filling me with good things.
He always helps me in His mercy -
according to His promise.

Throughout Mary's life she glorified God by remaining receptive to His will, always presenting her Son to others:
+ To Elizabeth and to her son John the Baptist
+ To the shepherds at the Nativity
+To the Magi at the Nativity
+ To Simeon and Anna at the Presentation
+To the people at the Wedding of Cana
+ To all in His Passion and Death on the Cross
Mary was a faithful servant of God who shared intimately in the
birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord.
-Father William Saunders
P.S. Thank you Kristen Rabideau for leading us in this amazing study of Mary our Mother.
1 comment:
So awesome Mom!
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