Monday, January 18, 2016

"The Fruits of God"

Enjoy the fruits of the earth
that God has provided us this day!

The plum is a fruit of this earth
as God has created it,
just like He has created us in His image.
This fruit represents 
each and every one of His children.
How He has planted a seed in each of us.
At the center of our hearts,
the center of our very being of our soul,
is God and His love for us.
No matter what turmoils our hearts
may feel, what we may experience in our lifetimes,
He is there.
He is our stone to lean on, to know that true
unconditional love lives within our own hearts
as He has instilled it within us the moment 
He created us.
He will never leave us.

I love all of you and hope you may feel 
His peace and love this day!


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