Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Rainbows and Sunshine"

 We pretended to be wind-up dolls on the front
porch the other night and Kate seemed
to love it! She especially loved "Wind-up jabo!"
Fast forward to prayer time:

My prayer went something like this:
"Dear Lord. thank you for happy hearts,
for Wind-up jabo and Wind-up Kate.
And bless all of our family where ever they may be."
Then it was Kate's turn:
Dear Lord, thank you for Wind-up gigi,
and Wind-up jabo, and Wind-up Kate.
Bless everyone in the whole world."

And finally it was jabo's turn to pray 
and it went something like this:
Dear Lord, bless Kelly, and Brett, 
and Kate, and Luke, and Baby Aldridge,
and all of our family. And Lord bless everyone who is
hurting and the elderly and those who take care of them
and bless the poor and the hungry...etc.

In the midst of his prayer Kate turned to me with
her hand cupped around her mouth and whispered,
"Wow! jabo is doing a really good job!"

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