Sunday, August 14, 2011

" Yours is the day, Yours also the night; You established the luminaries and the sun..."

Psalms 74:16

When I was taking this picture on the "Praying with Light" retreat, I was rushing and desperately trying to capture "the" picture of the day - snapping picture after picture and never feeling like my camera was catching what I wanted it to. In retrospect, I was failing miserably at really noticing the beauty and God in the Light which completely surrounded me - or the danger for that matter - because moments after I took this picture, I was literally attacked by bees and chased out of the woods as they were stinging me and clinging to my clothes. Interestingly, had I not been attacked by the bees, I would have walked out of the woods and would have never given my time looking through my lens at the Light a second thought.....but the "bee" incident made me understand that in my daily rushing I cannot truly "focus" until I become still and see the Light and what He wants me to see in my life and through my camera lens.
    Spend a moment studying the picture and you may see a cross
                                          in the Light.

Just for fun: If I were going to give this picture a name it would be
                         "Standing in the Light...with bees!"
P.S. The next time life gives me a "bee sting" there will probably be no epiphany moment - I was just blest to get one this time!

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