Monday, August 29, 2011

"Forty-nine and lookin' fine!"

"Wednesday's child is merry and glad!"

Dear Todd,
I have had so much fun sharing the
last 32 birthdays with you and I look forward to
many, many more because
the best is yet to be!
I love you for being you...AND I love
you more than peanut butter!
Happy Birthday jabo!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Grandma's Prayer...

Oh most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I've asked you for many favors, but I plead this one (prayer request). 
Take it, place it in your open broken heart and when the
Eternal Father comes cover it with a cloud of
your most Precious Blood.  He will not refuse, but surely grant.
It is not my wish but Thine. 
This prayer is a legacy of my grandmother,
Agnes Mary Sauers Schonhoff.
No doubt that she prayed it often for Grandpa, her children and all those that she loved. My mother does the same today. I wonder how many times Mom has prayed this pray for me and for all of you.
P.S. Whenever a picture was taken of Grandpa, we
would say, "Grandpa, smile!"
He would always reply, "I am!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Pat-be!

"Sunday's child is fair and wise and good and glad."

Dear Patrick,
I wish you a very happy and blest 25th birthday!
I love you as high as the sky!
Love, Mom
I love you higher than the sky!
And if Will were playing this game he would say,
"Well, I love you bigger than the universe!"
Have a happy day!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

" Yours is the day, Yours also the night; You established the luminaries and the sun..."

Psalms 74:16

When I was taking this picture on the "Praying with Light" retreat, I was rushing and desperately trying to capture "the" picture of the day - snapping picture after picture and never feeling like my camera was catching what I wanted it to. In retrospect, I was failing miserably at really noticing the beauty and God in the Light which completely surrounded me - or the danger for that matter - because moments after I took this picture, I was literally attacked by bees and chased out of the woods as they were stinging me and clinging to my clothes. Interestingly, had I not been attacked by the bees, I would have walked out of the woods and would have never given my time looking through my lens at the Light a second thought.....but the "bee" incident made me understand that in my daily rushing I cannot truly "focus" until I become still and see the Light and what He wants me to see in my life and through my camera lens.
    Spend a moment studying the picture and you may see a cross
                                          in the Light.

Just for fun: If I were going to give this picture a name it would be
                         "Standing in the Light...with bees!"
P.S. The next time life gives me a "bee sting" there will probably be no epiphany moment - I was just blest to get one this time!

Friday, August 12, 2011

"...He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress His command..."

Proverbs 8:29

And so it begins...

After attending a photography retreat last weekend, I decided it was time to start my own blog... so here goes! Stay tuned for some of my favorite pictures: 'Standing in the Light' of God's creations! My goal is to parallel pictures of nature (mostly from my backyard garden) with scripture sprinkled with encouragement and hopefully a little fun and humor along the way. As my dad has always said, "We know that God has a sense of humor because He gave us one!" Of course there will be some of my children and beautiful grandchildren as I attempt to explore the Light through my photograpy.
P.S. Thanks so much Kelly for setting up this beautiful site for me! I lalu as high as the sky!  mom