Sunday, July 9, 2017

"Andrew's First Holy Communion"

"For God so loved 'Andrew' that he sent His
only begotten Son...that he may
have eternal life."
John 3;16
"Do this in memory of me."

Congratulations Andrew!
Always allow God to guide
your every step! He will be
your light to show you the way!

We love you ahats Andrew!
gigi and jabo

P.S. Andrew, I love it that my John 3;16 bracelet
from you is in these pictures. But more than that
I treasure the opportunity that you gave me to
show you how to look up this beautiful verse in
the Bible. I will always hold the memory
close to my heart!
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Father Bill Skoneki
Auburn, Alabama
May 6, 2017

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