Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"Abide in Love"

"May love be all I have 
when I pass into


**This quote is Deacon Patrick Lappert's
wonderful paraphrase of Paul's words from Corinthians...
"And now faith, hope, and love abide,
these three;
and the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
During Deacon Lappert's years of medical school
he did not believe in God and actually
set out to prove there was no God to one
of his peers who was very faithful to God.
In his deeply thorough and extensive research
 not only did he find God but was
converted to Catholicism.
He was ordained as a Deacon in January of this year
and is a true blessing to our church community.
His faithfulness inspires many.
Today is Ash Wednesday
Blessings to all as we begin our Lenten journeys.

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