Friday, May 3, 2013

"Hershey Kisses"

"gigi, do you know what this says?"
"It says 'CHAUK-LAT !' "

Wednesday morning we had the opportunity to
Face Time with Daniel and the boys.
Andrew was sporting his HERSHEY t-shirt.
He was telling me all about it as he was sliding 
little his finger across the familiar letters that make
 all of us think about chocolate...
and then he tells me that the word is 'chocolate' 
 (think "Charlie bit me!")
well, it was just too cute!
It was absolutely precious and hilarious! 
Such a sweet boy!
There is nothing like Face Timing with
our little grand ones to put a little spring in my step!


The Whatleys said...

That's our little boy with the sweet tooth. What a sweet post!

Aunt Tam said...

Oh!! This is just tooo cute!!!! What a great way to start the day!!!