Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Happy Birthday Girls!"

Today Abbie and Grace celebrated
their 11th birthday!
Happy Birthday to my two very
sweet and special nieces!
Yes, you are both miracles!
To help make their school day special the
"Kitchen Witches"
convened and made strawberry-brownie
cupcakes with marshmallow icing. We have
made many concoctions over the last
few years, some dishes were really
good and others...well, let's just say
that Dad (Papa) was not a "fan"! But these are
Abbie and Grace, our "Kitchen Fairies"
iced the cupcakes and also made
a double layer heart cake
for their birthday dinner...
what a fun afternoon in the loving,
warm kitchen of our
"Queen Witch"
Thanks Mom and Happy Birthday Abbie and Grace!
   P.S. The recipe for the cupcakes is on my Pinterest page on my board titled "Pinterest...things I have tried and liked!"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Happy Birthday Daniel!"

"Sunday's child is fair and wise and good and glad."

Dear Daniel,
 I wish you a very happy
and blest birthday!
Always remember that your dad
and I will always love
you as high as the sky and
we continue to wish you
rainbows and sunshine!
xoxo mom

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Mystery Michelle is 23!"

Michelle, jabo and I love you
and wish you a very
happy and blest birthday...
and no matter how old you get...
just keep on dancin'!

   P.S. Sorry that this post is late...and just so you know, we are looking forward to some fresh homemade bread! :)