Wednesday, January 15, 2014


God above
hear our prayer
bless the children


I believe Angie has been watching over us
through our lives...
I have often wondered if it was her who whispered to Clay
that he was going to make it when he was in surgery
as a tiny baby, and was it her who was with Patrick
when he fell 10 feet from a tree, and was it her who 
safely guided our car when Todd fell asleep at the wheel
when we were traveling back to Maine,
and was it her who caused Clay to look up
just in time to keep our entire family from
hitting a tractor trailer on the side of the
road in Birmingham?
Yes, I believe it was...

Angie our Angel
May 6, 1972  - January 15, 1979

My granddaughter Katheryn Renee' Aldridge is named after
Angela Renee' and these photos are of her precious praying hands.

Monday, January 6, 2014

"Baby Grands"

 It doesn't get much better than this! 

*I am looking forward to adding Benjamin Brett 
to our next photo shoot!