Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Delight in the Lord"

"...and let us run with perseverance
the race that is set before us..."
Hebrews 12:1

"The wind blows where it chooses,
you hear the sound of it,
but you do not know where it comes from
or where it goes."
John 3:8


"Make a joyful noise to the Lord..."
Psalms 100:2

"...He assigned to the sea its limit..."
Proverbs 8:29
"...and my springs of water
will guide them."
Isaiah 49:10
"You have made the moon to mark the seasons;
the sun knows its time for setting.
You make darkness, and it is night,
when all the animals of the forest
come creeping out."
Psalms 104:19-20
"...every perfect gift, is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation
or shadow due to change."
James 1:17

"O Lord, how manifold
are your works!
In wisdom
you have made them all..."
Psalms 104:24
"...yet I will not forget you.
See, I have inscribed you on
on the palms of my hands..."
Isaiah 49:15-16


""Take delight in the Lord,
and He will give you
the desires of your heart."
Psalms 37:4

**These pictures are some precious moments
I captured from our October 2013
 trip to the beach**