"Lord, I believe in you; give me firmer faith.
I hope in you; give me surer hope.
I love you; make me love you more and more.
I adore you as my first Beginning,
And long for you as my last End.
I praise you as my constant Benefactor,
And call upon You as my gracious Protector.
Guide me in your wisdom,
restrain me by your justice,
comfort me by your mercy,
defend me by your power.
I offer you
my thoughts, to be fixed on you;
my words, to save you as their theme;
my actions, to be done according to your will."
Pope Clement XI

P.S. Father Robert W. Fulton of Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church (Guld Shores, Alabama) read this prayer at the close of his homily. I visited with him at the end of mass and he was kind enough to give me a copy. I have been anxious to share it with everyone. My love to you all.